Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Winter Review

I was altogether fairly satisfied with this terms' review. Bryson and I had some major technical difficulties in the limited down time before and between reviews which meant we couldn’t display our animations for those that were not there to specifically review our work. Even if everything had been up and running, there didnt seem like there was enough time to sit through our videos anyway. Im assuming and hoping that the final show will provide more of an opportunity for this. I was pleased however that after the reviews I was able to show a previous reviewer my progress and another eager viewer my work for the first time.
A major highlight for me was having Will Vinton as one of my reviewers. He seemed somewhat impressed with my work and it was really rewarding to get his praise and criticism.
The good thing is that both fall and winter reviews have left me feeling that I am on the right path and that my work is worthwhile, but I also cant help but feel like the reviews have only contributed a minimal impact to the development of my project.
But regardless of how effective the actual review process is in itself for me, it has proven a strong motivator for developing the presentation of my work, which is the stage that I am at now. how do I package and contain the work in a way that it is accessible and coherent to outsiders? Im left thinking that it needs a title and introductory animation...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I Saw You: Thanks For All The Snuggle Times

thanks for all the snuggletimes

Mandrew. You feed me. You are nice to me. You are good company. I totally appreciate your friendship. I still like you even though you kicked my ass at Ms. Packman. XO

When: Sunday, November 16, 2008

Where: my house

I saw a: Man

I am a: Woman

Date posted: Sunday, November 16, 2008


I Saw You: Oh, Sonya

Oh, Sonya *long sigh*

There's a tear in my beer...

When: Saturday, May 17, 2008

Where: Alto Lounge

I saw a: Woman

I am a: Man

Date posted: Thursday, January 8, 2009


I Saw You: Help Me Wonder Woman! -Hulk

Help Me Wonder Woman! -Hulk

Hulk miss talking with Wonder Woman about Rilke, Musashi, solitude and bench pressing! Where did you go?! Hulk not spritely scenester, not wear girly pants, mufflers or guyliner. Hulk not smoke cigarettes in rain outside Tube (aka Fuck Hole) while texting twitter-friends! Hulk is Man! Arrghh! Most Portland girls not understand Hulk. But Wonder Woman understood Hulk, Wonder Woman touched Hulk, but then disappeared! Hulk sad.

When: Thursday, January 1, 2009

Where: hyperspace

I saw a: Woman

I am a: Man

Date posted: Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Process: Oh, Sonya

I decided to go with stop-mo charcoal animation for this short. The biggest problem was that I am not familiar with the medium, which lent to a bit of trial and error. Erasing and re-drawing was also pretty fustrating and meant that going back and fixing parts was almost impossible. A couple segments were removed from the final animation because of this. Also, the dancer was animated first in flash, then printed out as individual frames as a template and redrawn in charcoal. Then composited back into the animation. Im not totally happy with the composite, but I could just be being overly picky.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Unsuccessful Animation Attempt

Decided to go ahead and post some of the work I did on the Bike I saw you animation. I ended up scrapping it because I was unable to find a time efficient way of animating the work as I originally intended without compromising the quality...I think that their are alot of possible solutions, just havnt been inspired yet.

Chains Of Love

You were locked at the corner of broadway and 28th, all in green and aquamarine. I rolled by, lavender and white. You made my cog skip a link. Let's make single speed babies, unless your fixed?

12/15/2009- Portland Mercury